X-Men Origins Wolverine - Visual Overhaul
This mod includes
- Custom Shadow, Fov, Detail and VFX settings
- High resolution textures: Wolverine, Environment and Enemy textures(but due to the texmod limitations, I couldn't update all the textures)
- Toggle HUD mod
- Copy "Binaries" folder to X Men Origins Wolverine root and replace all.
- Copy all .ini files inside "Configs" folder to "Documents\Wolverine\WGame\Config" and replace all.
!!!! You should change the resolution settings in the "WEngine.ini" file
Find these lines and change them according to your monitor resolution and save the file.
- Copy "TextureTPFs" folder anywhere you want.
-Install TexMod(google it, there are some videos about it),
-Open Texmod, in the "Target Application" section, select Wolverine.exe,
In the "Package Mode" tab, select all .tpf files and click Run.
- In the "TextureTPFs" folder there is an All in One tpf. It includes WolverineTextures, EnemyTextures and EnvironmentTextures but sometimes it works with missing textures so in this case you can try other textures one by one. Also UITExtures.tpf removes enemy selecting indicator(this is the indicator icon when selecting an enemy to jump).
- Binaries folder includes Reshade 6.2.0 (Binaries\scripts\reshade-shaders) and my preset, so don't forget to load "otto_wolverine.ini" in ReShade.
- You need "Pascal Gilcher Ray Tracing" to use RTGI settings.(In the visuals I used Immerse Pro 2403).
You can activate custom FOV by pressing "F1" when you start the chapter.
You can toggle HUD by pressing "F2".